Japanese eggplant
Providence, RI
In the garden my mother was a strict realist.
Whenever she would plant something she would blow it a kiss and say,
"Good luck. If it lives.... it lives. If it dies.... it dies."
I am trying to channel that sentiment.
Herbs - no problem. All seem to flourish.
Japanese eggplant - Harvested one, 2 more on the plant and a few additional flowers look promising.
Onions - Harvested at least 8 so far. They are now curing. More to come.
Tomatoes - Nothing ripe yet althou there are at least 3 - 4 tomatoes on each of the plants.
I am hopeful.
Providence, RI
Cucumbers - Harvested one. There are currently some new tiny babies .... but the current rains and lack of sunshine seem to have stopped all growth. I have concerns.
Female squash blossom with "baby"
Providence, RI
Patty Pan Squash - Okay, big learning curve on these. Last month saw sooooo many blossoms - but they kept falling off. Every day I would pick up 10 or more and yet no fruit!
Finally read about the difference between male and female blossoms - duh!
Seems that the female blossoms take a long time to actually arrive at the party..... the males get there early to attract the bees.
So after weeks of worry, checking my blossoms every morning to see if a female had arrived, and wondering if I would need to hand pollinate - I suddenly found one "with child"!
At this point I have 4 patty pan squash......
Patty Pan Squash
Providence, RI
Pumpkins - Well those female blossoms still have not arrived! The stems of the plants look like something is eating away at them..... like a lack of nourishment. The soil? Ants? Missing mineral?
My dreams of a new pumpkin patch are seeming thwarted........
However, I live in hope.
And try not to cost average each tiny vegetable that I harvest from my little garden in the city.