Friday, December 13, 2013

on the street - fog and conversation

mid town street, NYC


New York was cold - a mix of fog, snow, and rain. However, our 3 days there were spent surrounded by friends and lots of warm and interesting conversations.


Specifically we went to see the Apple family cycle of plays at the Public Theatre. 

“Hopey Changey”, “Sweet and Sad”, “Sorry”, and “Regular Singing” were run in rep and over the course of 2 days we were fortunate to be a part of this family’s/our country’s dialogue on politics and our human purpose. The plays are small windows into the life of one family, how they deal with each other, death, change.… every day issues, surrounded, as we are, by the noise of our political machines and shaped by history. The plays aim to provoke conversation - they actually beg us to talk to each other, to work out ideas, to say things that surprise even ourselves, to be truthful and honest. It is the dialogue within a community that ultimately fosters and allows change.


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