Friday, May 30, 2014

in the studio - a first and a first!

Look Out
antique maps, thread, pencil on paper
8” x 10”

I finally bit the bullet and entered a juried art show.......
Thrilled to have had both pieces accepted and overjoyed that "Look Out" has sold !!!!
Working on the nerve, and more art pieces, to enter more shows. 
One step at a time.

Hoping that I can get to Cape Cod at some point in June to see the show  -  and maybe add in a visit to see friends, eat oysters, visit the outer cape, eat oysters......

“Call Me Ishmael”
May 21 - June 29



Among Islands
antique maps, tracing paper, thread, pencil on paper
13” x 16”


  1. Loving these new pieces and the direction you're going in. Congrats on the sale and I know you'll see more in the future!

  2. Wow, Toni!! What fabulous pieces. I'm thrilled you have embarked on this avenue of expression. I am looking forward to what comes next!

  3. Toni, so exciting. And i love the two pieces. You have a great vision.
