Monday, February 26, 2018

in the POD - a seat at the window

a window with a view...
Portland. OR


Thank you. I could sit in this window forever.


I have been welcomed into this home, into your arms and given this seat 
to look out and to look in.
It is not surprising that I am here and that you welcome me so warmly. You serve me tea and your emotions - that's what we do. But, still, it feels like a gift right now. 
To be here.
With you.


I understand the workings here; I was part of the beginning. We have always been connected to each other, sometimes off and sometimes on, but always connected. Our voices came of age together and we learned and failed together, picking up each other's pieces, being the rock to each other's sand.


And, yet, you will always continue to amaze me. Your strength and honesty pours from your fingertips and from your eyes. By challenging yourself you have found the path to healing. Focused inward; powerful and strong. 
In both your written and spoken words I feel your strength and I feel your brittleness. 
All is right. You are right. It is yours to own.


Long ago I found a suitcase from St. Louis sitting alone in our shared dorm room. 
It was when you walked into the room that we began.

Thank you for this continuing journey.


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