Tuesday, May 27, 2014

at table - somethin' is brewin'

Bucket Brewery
Pawtucket, RI


So many new developments this past month!  
I want to give a big shout out to my husband, Tim, for both his drive and creativity. He is now the "official" blogger for BUCKET'S KITCHEN, the food and pairings blog for Bucket Brewery located in Pawtucket, RI. Basically, he creates and shares food recipes that use Bucket's amazing brews as well as talk about food pairings and such. 

There has been such positive reaction from the brewmasters at Bucket that Tim is now looking at rent ing local kitchen space and working to get his food license, all while perfecting some very special treats that the brewery wants to sell. 
(I don't think I should give away what these are just yet.....)

And.... while trying to incorporate local food and businesses into his writing .... Tim has connected with our neighborhood olive oil store and they are currently intrigued with his infamous crackers!! And they would like him to pursue that as well as some other specialty items.

Tim has also established his own web site, 
where he will link all of the Bucket recipes as well as others he is working on
He has also been forced to set up a Facebook page 
(oh, how he hated doing that!!)

But - one way or another .... please follow him and you will get to hear about all those new treats coming!



  1. long time fans… Cheers. The Lays

  2. Ha, ha! Tim on Facebook? Has hell frozen over and I didn't pay attention? I'm going to follow both of you -- love to you both!
