Saturday, January 7, 2017

in the POD - bye bye pine island days

boating off Pine Island


It's raining today. 

Kind of a perfect way to end what has been a very social week on Pine Island. Lots of get-togethers, lots of people, and lots of sun and exercise. So, a day of rest, laundry and getting us packed up and ready to move on is exactly what was needed.


We heralded New Years in at a nearby party of old friends - the party began at 4 pm and was over by 8....... Goodness knows, one can't be driving a golf cart after sundown! It was fun to see everyone, catch up and share some excellent food! Later that eve, Tim and I laid in bed and listened to the fireworks off of Cape Coral and Fort Myers which advised us of the new year "moment". We could have walked to the end of the street and actually saw them - but we were pretty comfortable where we lay. (Note: we did live 3 blocks from the Rose Bowl parade for 4 years and never made the trek. Why start now.)

Took the opportunity of the great weather and flat roads to get back on the bikes and walk everyday. Finally getting back to our 10,000 steps a day! Perfectly perfect weather the entire stay and althou the weather will be @ 15-20 degrees cooler in the Panhandle, it will still be sunny and clear allowing for continued outdoor activity.

Pine Island biking - no hills here!!


the quiet end of Fort Myers Beach


a day on the water 


16 lbs on the spit

 Our 16 lb bone-in pork loin from Dietrich's gave us a perfect afternoon to gather 20+ friends for a pit fire under the pines alongside the canal for a great party! Tim rubbed it with a coffee and chili rub and friends contributed many sides and salads. It was the only "bbq" we ate this entire week! I tried to think of this week as a cleanse - HA! - in actuality I simply replaced it with lots of fish and beer.

visiting with with a manatee at the dock

Althou I have seen lots of manatees before, I had never seen one so close up and that hung around for a such a long time! This calf came by to drink water from the hose hanging off the dock and stayed for well over 40 minutes. She did not seem to mind Kim or my presence at all - opening and closing her eyes as if she was watching us watch her! 

 looking up at the hosts' home and the POD nestled canal side under the palms and pines.


So - bye bye Pine Island. Till next year.

Happy trails ahead


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